Work days can become a little isolating at the moment, especially if I am not connecting with others. I find if I don’t have many video-conference meetings I start to feel a little glum by the end of the day. Working from home certainly does have its positives. Including for productivity because I have the chance to focus on work. But as the day goes on things start to really feel a little too quiet. Especially if this is the case for a couple of days in a row.

This afternoon I instantly perked up when three of my former colleagues joined me for a catch-up after work. Connecting with others was an excellent mood booster! Hearing about their experiences over the past few months and funny things they are doing to keep things interesting! I think we laughed the entire time.

A good thing I can take away from this time is that meeting with this group of colleagues would be very difficult to organise in person. Probably one of those events that you would have to organise weeks in advance, checking schedules and book a time when everyone is free. This way, we only had to organise it a day beforehand!

If you haven’t had too much engagement with others lately, reach out to someone – or a few people! Connecting with others is a powerful mood booster. So start a chat (video makes a lot of difference) with friends or colleagues using software that works for everyone. Don’t wait until you get to a point where you really start to feel isolated. Do something about it now.

I have started booking in coffee catch-ups with friends for the next couple of weeks ahead. This will help to get me away from feeling how I did earlier today. Its another thing to look forward to in my week 😊

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