You might think that an entry level role is not very exciting or an important role in an organisation. But the truth is, the role will be anything you make of it. This is true for any role!
Being a grad has so many opportunities that come with it.
This is your moment to ask all those ‘silly’ questions (just for the record, no one will think they are silly), this is your moment to ask if you can shadow someone who is at a high level in the organisation, this is your moment to ask whether you can attend an executives only meeting for learning purposes, this is your moment to ask whether you can work on any project you want that is interesting!
Don’t wait to do these things later – you might never have that opportunity.
Don’t be afraid to be given the ‘boring stuff’ from a project either. In previous posts I talk about how important it is to take those small tasks you are given and show that you can handle them perfectly to allow your reputation to grow. Because in reality, it is an entry level role and both you and your employer needs to take some time to find out what you can do before things really take off. As your reputation grows, so does the trust people have in you and the work you are given. All you need is patience and persistence.
From fellow graduates going through my program, we have all shared stories about our experiences. I noticed that there isn’t a set role in someone’s grad year. The grads who gained the most out of their placements were the ones who pushed for more work and showed they could deliver. They are the ones who ended up with great mentors and best of all, job offers at the end!
Your opportunities as a grad are there for the taking. Make the most of them.
Wishing you all the best!