career girl Archives – A Career Girl's Insights My Learnings on Getting Through and Succeeding in your early career Wed, 05 Feb 2020 23:35:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 career girl Archives – A Career Girl's Insights 32 32 171984898 Getting over that job rejection quickly Wed, 05 Feb 2020 23:35:18 +0000 Getting rejections from a job application you have sent off or an interview you have done is not fun. It can really impact your confidence and make you feel glum for a while. The best thing you can do for yourself is keep going. Stay positive and keep searching and applying for roles, keep asking […]

The post Getting over that job rejection quickly appeared first on A Career Girl's Insights.

Getting rejections from a job application you have sent off or an interview you have done is not fun. It can really impact your confidence and make you feel glum for a while.

The best thing you can do for yourself is keep going. Stay positive and keep searching and applying for roles, keep asking for feedback and advice on how to improve for that next application or interview. Don’t stop, no matter how disheartening it is at first hearing negative news. I find taking action is the best thing I can do when I feel like it’s the last thing I want to do!

Also take a moment to look back on how far you have come and the achievements you have made along the way. You will see that you can achieve what you are after.

I think about how I have grown from the first day I started working. I have developed my job application and interview techniques by becoming more self-aware and making improvements along the way. It can be hard to take the time to notice where improvements can be made. Sometimes it is the last thing you want to do! But taking that extra effort to understand how you could approach a similar situation differently next time could be just the key. I look back on all the jobs I have succeeded in getting, all the things I have learnt and the people I have gotten to know and I wouldn’t change any of it. Even the bad days. Each rejection led me to the roles I was successful in landing and the fantastic experience I gained as a result.

The post Getting over that job rejection quickly appeared first on A Career Girl's Insights.

Welcome to a Career Girl’s Insights! Sat, 26 Jan 2019 18:34:25 +0000 Hello there and welcome to A Career Girl’s Insights on career basics! This is a space where I share my learnings from when I first started my career to where I am now, in my early thirties. Hopefully my insights into what has and hasn’t worked will help you in navigating some tough situations of […]

The post Welcome to a Career Girl’s Insights! appeared first on A Career Girl's Insights.

Hello there and welcome to A Career Girl’s Insights on career basics! This is a space where I share my learnings from when I first started my career to where I am now, in my early thirties. Hopefully my insights into what has and hasn’t worked will help you in navigating some tough situations of your own.

As I reflect back on how far I have come I can honestly say I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve worked very hard to get where I am and I am not only thankful for all the amazing opportunities and colleagues I have met, but also grateful for the tough times I’ve experienced as well. They have all helped shape me – every bit of advice, every rejection, every project, every mistake, every job offer…

Now, in my early thirties, I feel like my career is starting to take exciting leaps forward in ways that I had always hoped and worked very hard for. I was able to establish myself and build a strong foundation in my first decade of working. Although I made mistakes, they were all worth it to help me learn how to handle and react in certain situations.

I’m about to start a new phase of my life with balancing a career and a baby! I’m nervous about it and have no idea how I will go with it all but I will share my experience in the hope it will help others going through something similar.

I hope this space motivates you and reassures you no matter what you are currently experiencing in your career.

Thank you for joining me on this journey! I can’t wait to see what comes next!

I wish you a happy and successful career 😊

The post Welcome to a Career Girl’s Insights! appeared first on A Career Girl's Insights.
